Day Trips

The nice thing about living in a rural setting is all the interaction with the small communities that adjoin each other. All the small communities here are around one of the largest lakes in the State of Texas. There is always something going on.Last week end a friend from the city came out and we attended a luncheon and tea that has become an annual money making event for one of the churches in a neighboring community. A friend had invited me to attend with her last year, and it was fun, and beautifully presented so I was very excited to bring my friend with me this year.The theme was Celebrations. Each of the tables were decorated in a different celebration theme. There was a Christmas, Valentines, Easter, Brides, 4th of July, August Honey Bee, Fall, and a Coke-Cola Collection. The tables were so interesting, each of the hostesses for the tables had seen to every detail in the table setting as well as the decorations.
My friend sat at the Brides Table, it was decorated in beautiful white and silver. I sat at the Valentine Table. Our hostess was a beautiful lady, dressed in her red party dress all ready for a romantic valentine evening. The table was beautifully set with her Mothers hand painted china plates. Each plate had been lovingly hand painted in a different flower pattern just for her daughter.
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The food was wonderful, of course we had chicken salad, mixed fresh fruit, a gelatin salad that was heavenly, and a great assortment of breads. I am trying to get the recipe for the gelatin salad, if I am fortunate enough to get it, I will sure pass it along to all of you. The dessert was to die for it had a very thin meringue crust...Yummy!

It was great to get acquainted with all the lovely ladies at my table. Several of the Ladies had been friends for a number of years. It is always interesting that God always puts us exactly where we are supposed to be and always puts the right people to walk beside us on our journey in this life. I will look forward to seeing some of the ladies in my journey around the lake.

This week-end we are off to the City. We will be attending a Birthday Party for a friend. It is a covered-dish affair, and I can't wait to have all the great food that will be there. I have decided that I will make a fresh black berry and peach cobbler and maybe I will take a dish of fresh tomatoes with basil. I always look forward to getting together with friends and sharing good food.
Have a great week-end!

Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. I love to read your blog, It makes me feel like I was there too!!

  2. Donna I love having you come along for the journey.

  3. Well this was simply BEEEEEE utiful....thanks for sharing have a great weekend

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon. I just realized I missed the birthday head and feet are in two different places. If it's not on my calendar I forget about it lately - and even if it's there sometimes it gets overlooked. I'm sure you all had a fabulous time and they loved your cobbler.

  5. My mother took me to her church and they have a tea in November and each table is kinda like that also. It was really fun!


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Miz Helen