Full Plate Thursday 3-31-11
Hi, I am so glad to see you today. I hope you had a beautiful drive out today. Be sure and walk around in the garden and look at that beautiful White Wisteria that is in full bloom, and it smells heavenly. I am so hungry so lets get this food on the table, I can't wait to see what you brought today. Thank you so much for coming out and I hope you enjoy your day with us. White Wisteria This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week Breakfast Lemon Cranberry Muffins Denise at Creative Kitchens Breakfast Smoothies Jackie at Loving My Domestic Life Morning Snack Cinnamon Rolls Jill at Boys Bovines and Blessings Lunch Ham and Cheese Pockets Christy at Organic Princess No Bake Cornflake Cookie Amanda at The Paisley Cupcake Minty Milkshake Hollie at The Seven Cottage Afternoon Snack Baked Fudge Sugar Free Heart of A Country Home Mango Mint Sherbeta Cooling Mango Nisa at Cooking Is Easy Dinner Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin Katernina at Culinary Flavors Baked Eg...