Full Plate Thursday 6-23-11

I am so excited to see you today and welcome to Full Plate Thursday! We had a great party last week that lead right into a wonderful week end with family and friends. I sure hope that you had a great Fathers Day week end.  We had our annual Friends picnic last week end, it was so much fun and we had wonderful food. Speaking of wonderful food I know that you have brought some wonderful food today, so lets get it on the table. Thank you so much for coming today and I sure hope that you will come back next week. 

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week

Bringing Back Memories For Me
 Midnight or Anytime Skillet Breakfast  Heather at Girlichef

Morning Snack
This Is A Must Read Post
Cherry Scones and A Must Read Post  Melisa at Zompa

Portobello Mushroom Burger  Maria at Joyful Stamper
Kickin Tater Salad   at I Savor The Week End
Rava Laddu  Paaka Shaale
Raspberry Sorbet  Jamie at Scattered Thoughts

Afternoon Snack
Oatmeal Caramel Bars  Karen at Trilogy Edibles

Easy Veggie Salad   Leah at Beyer Beware
Grilled Tequila Lime Chicken  Liz at Fresh Plate
Scalloped Potatoes  Lyuba at Will Cook For Smiles
Luscious Lemon Tart Lisa at Flour Me With Love

If You Helped To Fill My Plate Today Please Take The Red Plate Home
The Code Is On The Side Bar

Full Plate Thursday Background Story
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
I have just a few suggestions before you leave your dish and fill your plate.
  • Link directly to YOUR RECIPE  and not to your web page.  
  • Scroll down to the button that says "click here to enter"
  • You will be asked to give your URL ( which will be your direct link to your post), the name of your recipe, and your email which we will not be able to see.
  • Then you will be asked to select a thumbnail from your post that will be uploaded to your entry.
  • Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday, somewhere on your post. We will give you a gentle reminder if you forget...
  • Please leave me a comment before you leave the page and let me know that you are here, I want to be a good hostess.
  • Don't forget to visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course...
  • Grab The Full Plate Button if you like and take it home with you.
  • Now God Bless you and your food and everyone fill your plate!
  • Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Hi Miz Helen,
    I shared my GF Coconut Pecan Drop Cookies with a video and an article I hope you enjoy!

  2. Thank you so much Miz Helen for choosing my Luscious Lemon Tart to fill your plate :) It is greatly appreciated as well as you hosting this lovely party every week!

  3. Hi Miz Helen! How are you this week?

    It seems I've been cooking up a storm this week but not really. Just trying to cook wholesome, warm, hearty meals for the family in our cold winter. Hope they might be of some interest to your followers. (I'll be saving some of your summer recipes to try when the weather warms up, for sure.)

    Best wishes,
    Anne @ Domesblissity

  4. Thanks so much for hosting..
    All these featured sound sooo good. :)

  5. Great features and party! Merci beaucoup for hosting and for all of your sweet comments!

  6. We brought the drinks! Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen!

  7. Thanks for your nice Full Plate! Today I have some Indian food for you. :) LG Tina

  8. Hello Helen. Thanks for hosting the party!

  9. I love coming to your site Miz Helen and seeing all the incredible food everyone is cooking up!
    Thank you for hosting!

  10. Good Morning Miz Helen,
    I linked up my Tiramisu Trifle this week. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  11. You're the second person mentioning the Tequila Lime Chicken-sounds good:@)

  12. Good morning Miz Helen, sharing some homemade mustard today. Thanks for hosting.

  13. Hi Miz Helen! I hope you will try the Tacos de Bistec con Salsa de Aguacate. I'm having trouble linking the picture, but they are so delicious!!!! I am going to try your pickles!!! Yum! Have a great day! http://homesandbabies.blogspot.com

  14. Miz Helen, thanks for hosting!!!

  15. Hi Miz Helen! So many wonderful dishes gracing your table again this week! Thanks so much for hosting. I've brought some Lindt White Coconut Oatmeal Cream Pie Cookies to share today. Hope you enjoy them! Have a wonderful Thursday!

  16. Thanks for featuring my Asparagus Miz Helen! We actually had it again last night.


  17. hey Miz Helen,
    I stumbled upon a blog last night who's name made me take a double look - The Little Red Plate (http://thelittleredplate.blogspot.com/)

    yeah for more 'comfort food' :-D I'm gonna go check out that skillet breakfast that you had chosen... Cracker Barrel use to offer a scrambled egg version of one that I sometimes got such a hankering for I'd talk Brian in to going there.

    I didn't link anything up this week. I knew I was still welcome to drop by anyways. ;->

    Hope this weekend too holds some warm memory making moments for you!

  18. Miz Helen, thank you again for hostessing every Thursday!

  19. Miz Helen, thanks for hosting the party! I told my hubby about the pickle pot. I think he was drooling looking at the photos.

  20. Hi Miz Helen! This week I am sharing my recipe for Arugula Salad With Pork And Fresh Cherries. It's gorgeous and has lots of great flavors.
    Thanks for hosting!

  21. Yeey, Thank you Miz Helen for featuring my scalloped potatoes :)

  22. Thanks so much for featuring my recipe Miz helen!! You have surely made my day :)

  23. Hi Miz Helen! Thanks so much for the feature this week =) Brought another great breakfast idea this week!

  24. Thank you so much always hosting a wonderful"Party" :)

    I linked up my Breakfast Panezella

  25. Today I bring 1-Dish Meat Lovers' Pizza Bake. A dish you can have on the table in less than an hour. Looks like lots of good stuff that I will be very busy checking out. Thanks for hosting.

  26. Thanks for hosting, have a great week!!

  27. Hi Miz Helen,

    Thanks for hosting. Everything looks so good, I can't wait to visit everyone.


  28. Hi Miz Helen, Love your blog hop and want to thank you for always graciously hosting! I've added a sweet, tender cobbler and hope that you can stop by my place with a superb recipe again this week over on Fresh Food Friday! I always appreciate having you! Have a lovely weekend.

  29. Thank you so much for featuring our Raspberry Sorbet recipe. I hope you like it as much as we did!
    ~JamieS@ Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

  30. Thanks for hosting this fun party! I love the breakfast ideas!

  31. Hi Miz Helen, I've brought a plate of quiche to share! Thank you for hosting and wish you a lovely weekend!

  32. Thanks for hosting! Hope you like the pizza I've shared! Looks like you had a great week of food! Have a lovely weekend!

  33. Such a nice party! With lots of good food to check out.
    Have a great week.

  34. So much fun....Thanks for hosting this fun party! I can't wait to try my Pickle Pot:)


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen