Fresh Black Eyed Peas

I learned how to shell Black Eyed Peas when I was a young girl, sitting on the porch with my grandmother and some of my aunts. We all had an apron and a lap full of peas. Of course the peas have a very fresh green smell and there is nothing better than a bowl of fresh peas with a nice slice of corn bread. There was also something very special about the fellowship that went on while shelling those peas. Every time I shell peas I can remember the smiles and laughter of my grandmother and my aunts.
Can't You Just Taste These Wonderful Peas

Fresh Black Eyed Peas
Miz Helen's Kitchen
4 cups fresh shelled Black Eyed Peas
2 slices salt pork sliced thin
1quart water
Salt and Pepper to taste
Shell the peas and wash them. In a large sauce pan brown the salt pork, add the peas and the water. Bring the mix to a boil and reduce the heat to medium. Cook on medium heat 45 minutes or until peas are tender.
Brown The Salt Pork

Add The Peas

Cook The Peas

Enjoy Your Dinner!
Fresh Black Eyed Peas, Buttered Squash, Fried Okra and Corn Bread

I am so happy that you stopped by to have this wonderful summer meal with us. Don't forget your bag of peas, it was so much fun shelling peas on the porch with you. Hope to see you at FULL PLATE THURSDAY and  come back soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. I love to shell peas: purple hull, crowder, cream, and black-eyed. Reminds me of the hot summers spent on my aunt's farm in east Texas! Thanks for bringing back those memories.

  2. enjoyed hearing your memories...I bet your purple thumb had lasting memories too. blessing, K

  3. Mmmm... I so prefer black eyed peas over most beans. This looks fantastic Miz Helen! Thanks for sharing!

  4. And I like to think it brings luck any time of year!

  5. oh boy - this looks like perfect comfort food!

  6. oh Miz Helen..that looks scrumpdillyicious...makes me want to cook some peas...yum yum

  7. That is a delicious bowl of peas! Yes, it does sound wonderful peeling peas with ladies of the house! What a happy memory! Thanks for sharing, Miz Helen! See you at Full Plate Thursday!

  8. Miz Helen-I enjoyed reading your post so much, about your childhood memories shelling the black eyed peas.
    Such a beautiful dish, and perfect combination with the yummy cornbread, squash,and fried okra.
    A real Southern and most delicious meal!
    Absolutely loving it:DDD
    Thanks for sharing, for your Full Plate Thursday!

  9. Y-u-m-m-y! Black eyed peas have such a special place in many a Southerner's heart. Whenever I came home from college, I would always request a dinner with Mashed Potatoes, Cornbread, and Black Eyed Peas. The best part was that I would always get sent back to school with leftovers.

  10. Yum! Getting very excited for fall so I can start making these kinds of dishes!

  11. Here on the homestead, I always have visions of shelling peas and harvests with lots of other people involved. So far it is just me and my husband...maybe I have to wait until I become the grandmother! :)

  12. Those memories of shelling peas sound wonderful. It seems like it is the simple things in life that make the fondest memories. Thanks for sharing your recipe and making me think to take time and appreciate the simple things :)

  13. Hmmmm, I wish I had been there to share this meal! LOVE blackeyed peas and cornbread.


  14. I love fresh blackeyed peas. I have some in my freezer and will be making your recipe soon! I'm a new Follower.

  15. I've never had a black eyed pea, but these look so good! I do love beans, so I'm sure I'd enjoy this. Thanks for posting this great recipe. As a northern girl, I love discovering new southern recipes to try!

  16. Working in the kitchen is a bonding experience.

  17. Miz Helen, thanks for sharing this great pot of peas with the Hearth and Soul hop. Funny thing when I was a kid, I did not like them. Now I love black eyed peas. Thanks again!

  18. This recipe looks amazing! Join in on the fun and come over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow to share this tasty recipe with us.
    I hope to see you there!

  19. Liz, I am so happy you posted this recipe! I was hoping that you would. I can't wait to make this. Your blog is a gold mine of deliciousness!
    Thank you!


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Miz Helen