Full Plate Thursday 4-26-12

Welcome to Full Plate Thursday! I am so happy to see you today, you got here just in time we are heading to The Garden Gate to tour the new vegetable plantings and the yummy vegetable dishes that we will be making this spring and summer.  We are definitely seasonal food lovers here at the cottage and I know that some of you are as well. I can't wait to see what you have in your basket to share today, so lets get started.  Thank you so much for coming to Full Plate Thursday and sharing your wonderful food with all of us!

I am adding a New Feature  for the Spring and Summer that I think you will enjoy and I know I will.
Spring and Summer Canning or Preserving  Projects

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Apple Puff Pancake at  The One With the Cupcakes
Morning Snack
The Go To Smoothie and Smoothie Secrets at  Cookin' Up Good Times
Peanut Butter and Jelly Crepes  at  Cook with Sara
Mediterranean Black Bean Burger at   Gluten Free SCD and Veggie
Sell Your Soul Deviled Eggs  at  2 Crafty 4 My Skirt
Black Bean Salad  at  Mere Thoughts from a Mommy of Boys
Bottomless Key Lime at  The Tasty Alternative
Afternoon Snack
Peach Iced Tea  at  Everyday Mom's Meals
Chocolate Spice Cupcakes at  Simple Girl
Three Freezer Slow Cooker Meals  at  Love and Butter
Spinach Salad with Cumin Vinaigrette at  Happy Canadian Home
Fresh Orange and Vanilla Cake    at  Feeding My Temple
Spring and Summer Canning or Preserving Projects
Homemade Tomato Jam  at A Flock In The City

If You Are Featured This Week Please Take The Red Plate Home
The Code Is On The Side Bar

Full Plate Thursday Background Story
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
I have just a few suggestions before you leave your dish and fill your plate.
  • Link directly to YOUR RECIPE  and not to your web page.  
  • Scroll down to the button that says "click here to enter"
  • You will be asked to give your URL ( which will be your direct link to your post), the name of your recipe, and your email which we will not be able to see.
  • Then you will be asked to select a thumbnail from your post that will be uploaded to your entry.
  • Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday, somewhere on your post. We will give you a gentle reminder if you forget...
  • Please leave me a comment before you leave the page and let me know that you are here, I want to be a good hostess.
  • Don't forget to visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course...
  • Grab The Full Plate Button if you like and take it home with you.
  • Now God Bless you and your food and everyone fill your plate!
Thank You So Much For Coming Today and Come Back Soon!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Hi Miz Helen,
    Thanks for hosting. Can't wait to see everyone's recipes! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for hosting Helen! Great featured recipes!

  3. Miz Helen, I have shared Roasted Rosemary Potatoes. Thank you for hosting!

  4. Thanks for hosting....have a wonderful day:)

  5. Miz Helen, I'm not seeing where to link up tonight. I'm also not seeing any recipes linked. I keep trying, but no luck.

  6. Same problem here and also on another site as well.

    1. I am so sorry that you were unable to get on, linky had a problem during that time frame but it has been corrected. Be sure and let me know if you still can't get on. Thanks so much for stopping by.
      Miz Helen

  7. Good Morning Miz Helen
    Thank you for hosting another party!

  8. Hi Miz Helen, thanks for hosting! This week I'm sharing my beef stock recipe (lots of good gelatin!) and my raw liver smoothie!

  9. Morning Miz Helen! I brought along a sweet and a savory this week. Thank you so much for hosting another fabulous and fun Full Plate Thursday. Have a truly wonderful weekend! ~Mary

  10. Good morning! Thanks for hosting all these beautiful ideas! I brought my quick and tasty Mediterranean Chicken Stir-fry. Have a great day!

  11. Happy Thursday! I linked a new fridge pickle recipe, think you'll like it:@)

  12. Hi,
    I shared a recipe for an amazing Cocoa Butter Cupcakes with chocolate Icing.ers!

    Join the fun! Are you an urban suburban, or rural homesteader? Show us your homestead in a feature on my blog!

    Join this week’s giveaway! A $49.00 certificate to any Green Pasture product.


    Thanks for hosting!

  13. I left a recipes for Coq Au Vin that is a winner for two reasons
    1.) You can put the chicken in FROZEN if you happended to not think ahead!
    2.) It is a crock pot recipe!


    Thanks for hosting!

    TARA @ SimplyMadeHome

  14. So excited that you will be featuring canning projects!

  15. Good morning, Miz Helen! Yea, I was able to link up two recipes. I hope you are having a good week in the country. Thanks for being such a gracious hostess. xoxo

  16. I would love to tour your garden. It's so refreshing to see new things growing! Today I've brought some Pan-Grilled Pork Chops with Gravy that are gluten-free and casein-free, with an option for low-carb. They are so quick and easy that the side dishes often take longer than the pork chops.

  17. Was able to link up this morning! Thanks for hosting :)

  18. Everything looks amazing! Thanks so much for hosting :)

  19. Good morning, Miz Helen! Thank you so much for hosting the party!

  20. This link up makes me so hungry I can hardly stand it!
    Thanks Miz Helen! I've linked up: Hodgepodge Crock Pot Chicken.

    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

  21. I can't wait to fill my plate:). I linked up a summer quinoa salad recipe. Thanks for hosting!

  22. Thanks so much for featuring my Spinach Salad - and thanks for hosting! Have a lovely week!

  23. Hi Miz Helen! I can't wait to see what everyone is canning and preserving this summer. Great idea! Today I shared my recipe for Banana Brown Bread. Have a great week!

  24. Thanks so much for hosting and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  25. Thanks for featuring my crepes - I linked up another yummy breakfast treat - lemon poppyseed pancakes! Thanks for hosting every week!

  26. Good Morning Miz Helen! Everything looks so tasty this week! I can't wait to dig in! Enjoy the Mahi I brought....I'm sure you have some wonderful tomatoes in your garden to make the salsa!

  27. Oh dear. I posted a link to Coconut Milk whipped cream and my mouse got a head of me and accidentally clicked the wrong image. Putting up a blurry Networked Blogs Icon for my image. I hope you delete it! Please!

  28. Thanks so much for hosting Miz Helen. Looks like a delicious plate of food!

    I'm sharing a Homemade Minted Pesto Sauce, a video on How To Naturally and Quickly Get Rid of Bad Breath, and a Giveaway for GNOWFGLINS eCourse. This is an awesome traditional foods course.

    Thanks again!

  29. good morning to everyone!

    i always look forward to this linky in particular - people really seem to take the time to check out what everyone made. love it :)

    i’ve linked to my quick recipe – smashed flat chicken with prosciutto and sage. It was moist, fast, simple, and surprisingly knocked my socks off with flavor. I don’t ordinarily make a lot of chicken because…well… it’s chicken. this was worth it though.

  30. Hello Miz. Helen,

    Hope you're well!

    Thank you kindly for featuring my bottomless Key Lime Pie!

    This week I am sharing 2 recipes:

    (1) Blueberry Lemon Cupcakes (free of: grains, gluten, dairy, soy, and cane-sugar - also SCD friendly)

    (2) Grain Free Spanish "Rice" (this is also a SCD friendly recipe)

    Thank you for hosting again this week. Your link party is really taking off! Great job!

    Have a great weekend.


  31. Hello Miz Helen! I've brought my perpetual salad idea to share. I'm so sorry to read about Jaque today. I always look for his cute photo. I hope he lived a long life. He was such a bright spot in your life. He will be missed in your home for a long time. My blessings go out to you!

    1. Thank you so much Debra, my heart is breaking and the house seems so empty without him, he was my constant companion, and gave such unconditional love. Thank you for remembering little Jaque.
      Miz Helen

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Thank you for hosting the hop. Added your hop badge here: http://bloghops.olahmomma.com/bloghop/thursday (this is a new site). Already your follower too.

    My recent posts:
    Crafting >> http://olahmomma.com/blog/game-called-math-improvised-math-flash-cards
    Cooking >> http://olahmomma.com/blog/sesame-garlic-spinach-stir-fry

  34. Thank you for hosting! Have a great week. :)

  35. Hello Miz Helen! It was lovely to see that my Mediterranean Burgers were featured this week! Thank you! This week I've shared my simple Bean & Pea Dip which I posted last year since we've been eating it quite a lot of it recently!

  36. Thanks for always hosting this great swap! I wish to say, on a personal note, how sorry I am to hear about your recent loss. Dogs just have a special place in our lives. I think they bring even more warmth and togetherness to a household. I know your little one will be missed and memories of him will be cherished.

    1. Marcia,
      Thank you so much for remembering little Jaque, he was such a precious little friend. Our heart is breaking and we miss him very much. Thank you so much for your kind words.
      Miz Helen

  37. What a great linky party this week. Wonderful recipes to chose from. We linked up a terrific lasagna recipe.

  38. Oh my lordie Miz Helen. I am so sorry for your loss. I was about to link up when I noticed the picture of Jaque and the memorium. On the same day, you managed to do this linky party. I wouldn't have been able to get through. I have a Bichon Frise also and am not looking forward to that day, even though she is only 8 years old. We have already lost our Siberian Husky and it just devastated me. My heart and prayers go out to you.

    1. Carla,you are right we are just devastated and our heart is breaking. We miss him so much and their is a real empty spot in our home. Please give your Bichon a hug from me today, they are the most precious little friends. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers,you are so kind.
      Miz Helen

  39. Hi Miz Helen,

    Thanks for hosting. Bless you.

  40. Hi Miz Helen!

    Thank you for hosting a wonderful party! I linked up my clam linguine, hope you like it! Your stuffed peppers look amazing! As always, it is so nice to see you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Nettie

  41. Look at all the salads! Thank you for hosting this link-up, Miz Helen! Today I shared some tips for making homemade bread.

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. Dogs are sometimes better family members than people, so I understand.

  42. I posted a recipe for a make-your-own Bisquick. Thanks so much for hosting!!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen