Full Plate Thursday 4-5-12

Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, I am so excited to see you today. We have been so busy getting ready for our Easter Celebration, coloring eggs, making special basket's, baking and last minute shopping. It is such a special time of the year that gives us renewal and hope. I can't wait to see what you have in your basket today, so lets head for the table and get started. Thank you so much for coming today and I wish you and your family a very special Easter Celebration!

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Prosciutto Breakfast Pastry  at  Mrs Happy Homemaker
Morning Snack
Blueberry Frangipane Tarts  at  Clairejustineoxox
Potato Leek Soup (Vegan)  Gluten Free Pantry
Strawberry and Spinach Salad  at Everyday Mom's Meals
Stuffed Portabella at  Lisa's Dinnertime Dish
Krispie Chocolate Egg Basket   at Will Cook For Smiles
Afternoon Snack
Candy Cupcakes at  Life Is Sweets
Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin  at The Shady Porch
Spring Pea Salad  at The Traveling Spoon
Dyed Deviled Eggs  at Happier Than A Pig In Mud
Smoked Gouda and Broccoli Risotto  at Adirondack Chick
Yeast Dinner Rolls  at Transformations From The Heart
Dark Chocolate White Chocolate Mocha Baileys 6 Layer Cake  at  Trilogy Edibles

If You Helped To Fill My Plate Please Take The Red Plate Home
The Code Is On The Side Bar

Full Plate Thursday Background Story
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
I have just a few suggestions before you leave your dish and fill your plate.
  • Link directly to YOUR RECIPE  and not to your web page.  
  • Scroll down to the button that says "click here to enter"
  • You will be asked to give your URL ( which will be your direct link to your post), the name of your recipe, and your email which we will not be able to see.
  • Then you will be asked to select a thumbnail from your post that will be uploaded to your entry.
  • Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday, somewhere on your post. We will give you a gentle reminder if you forget...
  • Please leave me a comment before you leave the page and let me know that you are here, I want to be a good hostess.
  • Don't forget to visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course...
  • Grab The Full Plate Button if you like and take it home with you.
  • Now God Bless you and your food and everyone fill your plate!
Thank You So Much For Coming Today and Come Back Soon!
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Hi,
    I shared a recipe for grain-free apple kugel and amazing macaroons Also, a grain-free Passover dinner menu.

    Join the fun! I’m giving away 2 pounds of Celtic Sea Salt!


    Thanks for hosting!

    Your lemon cake looks divine!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I shared my fast and easy Broiled Catfish with Artichokes and Tomatoes. I hope you have a lovely Easter!

  3. Thanks for putting my pea salad on your plate! And thanks, as always, of hosting!

  4. Miz Helen, I have shared Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas and Tomato & Cucumber Salad. Thank you for hosting!

  5. Thanks for hosting! Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Easter!

  6. Thanks so much for featuring my salad! Have a very Happy Easter!

  7. Hi Miz Helen, I've linked up my Split Pea and Spinach Stew and my Italian Chicken and Sausage Casserole. Have a great Easter!

  8. Good afternoon, Miz Helen, I've brought a plate of eggs to share! Thank you for hosting, have a nice day!

  9. Thank you Miz Helen for hosting
    wishing you a great holiday

  10. Good morning Miz Helen. Today I bring my Syrupy Lemon Cake with Candied Lemons to celebrate Spring! Thanks for hosting have a great weekend ahead!

  11. Miz Helen,
    Hello. Thank you as always for hosting.

  12. Miz Helen,
    Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather in the season of spring. We are already in summer here, to make it cool, I have made this Papaya Smoothie, and linking it here...

    Yum! Yum! Yum!

  13. Good Morning Miz Helen! I have linked up my potato salad recipe made with fingerling potatoes. Thank you so much for hosting. Have a wonderful day!

  14. Miz Helen, I'm so glad to learn you are safe from those horrible storms. This year has certainly started off in a bad weather direction.

    Hope you have a beautiful Easter and thank you for hosting Full Plate Thursday. I've brought a Dutch Baby with Lemon Sugar for Sunday morning breakfast.

  15. Miz Helen, thank you for hosting... have a blessed Easter!

  16. Oh my that Bailey's Cake sounds amazing! Happy Easter:@)

  17. Happy Easter....Thanks for hosting!!

  18. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! Your list looks fabulous! Especially the Spring Pea Salad. Yum!!
    I've linked up three recipes this week:
    1. Lemon Cake with Lemon Curd Frosting
    2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs
    3. Crock Pot Cheesy Sausage and Vegetable Soup
    ~Stacy from Stacy Makes Cents

  19. Thank you so much for featuring my stuffed portabellas! I really appreciate it. Thanks for hosting and have a fabulous Easter!!

  20. Miz Helen,
    Thank you so much for featuring my Yeast Dinner Rolls. What a surprise to see first thing this morning. I am both thrilled and honored!! I'm so excited to be able to get my first feature button. Thanks again so much~it is very much appreciated. :0)

  21. You have some delicious features this week, Miz Helen!! Your lemon coconut cake looks so good. I have shared a soup and a fabulous frosting. Happy Easter to you and your family. xoxo

  22. Thank you so much for hosting. Hope you have a happy Easter!

  23. Sharing a recipe for chocolate chip pumpkin muffins made by my daughter "all by herself" this time. :) Pumpkin may not be currently seasonal, but it is delicious nonetheless! Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen, and a blessed Easter to you and yours!


  24. Oh Miz Helen so much to look at, I just peeked at your coconut cake and it sounds like a wonderful cake. I am sharing today Texas Peanut Butter Sheet Cake..........have a great week and Happy Easter andi the wednesday baker.blogspot.com

  25. Thanks for your wonderful words on my blog. It looks like I am going to find a lot of great recipes to try here :)

  26. Miz Helen, looks like another delicious full plate!

    I'm sharing 20 Reasons You Might Be Crunchy, Thai Coconut Curry Mussels, and a video on How To Turn the Forgotten Food In Your Fridge Into An Amazing Meal.

    Have a great day!

  27. Good Morning Miz Helen!

    Thank you so much for featuring my Potato Leek Soup-what an honor! This week I shared my 30 Second Smoothie and Apple Cinnamon Spice Cake recipes. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  28. Thanks for hosting Miz Helen!! Couldn't get my pic to upload, so had to use the generic one. My submission is Corn Flake Candy, it is a family favoirte. Hope that you have a great Easter!!

  29. Great recipes to choose from this week! We linked up a wonderful burrito pie today. Have a Happy Easter.

  30. Your Easter celebrations sound like fun, and your Lemon Coconut Cake looks and sounds just wonderful! I love the combination of lemon and coconut, so fresh and delicious. This week I have shared my Warm Wild Rice Salad with Sausages and Apple. Thank you for hosting, and Happy Easter!

  31. Perfect for Easter baskets, it's my version of honey-sweetened Almond Roca. You can make it as is, with a honey-sweetened chocolate layer, or you can make it with a white chocolate layer (if you are on GAPS and can only digest the cocoa butter).


  32. Hi! Just linked up a couple of my favorites from this week: Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese, and a Cheesy Spring Veggie Breakfast Bake. Thanks for hosting.

  33. thanks for hosting another great party. I linked up two easy Easter ideas.

  34. Thanks so much for hosting! I shared a Chocolate Covered Frozen Banana Bites recipe. They are so yummy and easy to make. Vegan-option included. Thanks again. ~ Emily @ Recipes to Nourish


  35. I'm loving all the Spring like posts that are starting to peek their little heads out from the Winter blechs. haha...

    today i've linked up my recipe for lazy lady's quesadillas. because quesadillas are fun. and we all need a little more fun.

    thanks for hosting!

  36. Thanks for hosting! I have linked up fondant covered Easter Egg Cookies. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

  37. Nothin makes me happier than balls and wine.

    This week I'm linking up my recipe for pesto meatballs. That's right. I put the pesto in the balls. Oh yeah. I went there.

  38. Hello Miz. Helen! I brought a new recipe I just discovered, Easy Breezy, Italian Cauliflower Cutlets. : ) I just loved reading your story on how Full Plate started, oh how I long for that kind of fellowship these days. I guess blogspot is one little way we can get that fellowship in a small way. A Blessing to be here!

    Thanks for being such a sweet hostess! Blessings! xxooo ~Amelia

  39. Hi Miz Helen! I shared my Cauliflower and Lentil Soup recipe today! Hope you have a lovely Easter!

  40. Happy FP Thursday, Miz Helen! I brought Asparagus and Bacon Quiche to the party this week. Best Wishes to you and your family for a Joyful and Blessed Easter! ~Mary

  41. Thank you so much for the feature, Miz Helen! Thank you for hosting another great party!!

  42. This week I am sharing fun facts AND why I love Dandelion!!

    Thanks for hosting!!

  43. Thanks so much for hosting Miz Helen. So many great selections; Finn and I always enjoy perusing all the recipes posted. I shared one of my favorites-- French Lentil Salad with Roasted Vegetables.

  44. Happy Friday, Mz. Helen!! Love all the new ideas you have on your very full plate!

    xoxo Susie

  45. Thanks for hosting! Hope you are having a wonderful Friday! I linked up my Coconut Basmati Rice & Shrimp :) Hope you enjoy! XO

  46. Thanks for hosting! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter :)

  47. Thank you for hosting Miz Helen! I hope you and your family have a lovely Easter.

    Bridget xo

  48. Thanks for hosting another great party. As usual the dishes all look amazing.

    A happy holiday to all!

  49. Hi Miz Helen, I've brought some sphaghetti to share! Thank you for hosting, have a lovely day!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen