Full Plate Thursday 3-14-13

Full Plate Thursday Where The Greatest Cooks On The Planet Gather

 Happy St. Patrick's Day To Yah!

We are about everything green this week here at the cottage, having a Irish Celebration Week of Irish Family Recipes.  Some of the recipes are very old and passed down through the generations and others are new with an old twist. Do you have a favorite recipe that you make for St. Patrick's day?    I sure am glad to see you today and have been looking forward to our party today, we are going to have some fabulous food today and great fellowship, I can't wait to see what you have brought, so lets get right to the table.

 This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Mini Crustless Vegetable Quiches  at Feeding My Temple
Morning Snack
St. Patricks Day Treats  at JBiggs Little Pieces
  Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes  at Flavors By Four
Afternoon Snack
Irish Tea Cake  at Will Cook For Smiles
Bacon Wrapped Mini Meatloaves  at Make Ahead Meals For Busy Moms
Roasted Parmesan Broccoli   at Hun...What's For Dinner?
Fresh Rosemary Bread  at Fresh Rosemary Bread  

 If Your Recipe Is Featured Today Please Take The Red Plate Home
 The Code Is On The Side Board

Full Plate Thursday Background Story

When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".


When you link to Full Plate Thursday, you are giving me permission to use a photo or link from your Post in a feature post on this blog, on Pinterest, or Face Book
Every Week, I feature many of your Recipes on the next Full Plate Thursday, and on What's For Dinner Next Week, and I pin many of your recipes to Pinterest.
Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday somewhere on your post.
Please visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course.
Please leave me a comment and let me know you are here, I really do want to be a good hostess.
Now God Bless You and Your Food and Everyone Fill Your Plate!
 Thank You So Much For Coming Today and Come Back Soon!
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Thanks for hosting Miz Helen. I hope you're have a super week!

  3. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! Have a great rest of your week. :-)

  4. Thanks for hosting. Today I am sharing my State Fair Chocolate Strawberry Waffle Pops. Have a GREAT week! ~Sheryl @ Lady Behind The Curtain~

  5. Hi Miz Helen, your Irish Stew just looks soooo tasty and so pretty in the green bowl. The soda bread looks fabulous, too. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and thank you for hosting. xo

  6. Hi Miz Helen! Love all of the features, especially those Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for hosting. It looks to be a great weekend out in the garden. I hope it is for you too. That Irish Stew sounds like a nice dinner for Sunday. Take Care-Linda

  8. Hi Miz Helen!! Thanks for hosting and I hope you are having a fabulous week!!

    Jen @ Yummy. Healthy. Easy.

  9. Thank you for the party Miz Helen, and I wish you a wonderful day :)

  10. Thanks a lot for hosting Miz Helen. Have a great week!

  11. Bacon Wrapped Mini-Meatloaf sounds right up my alley! Have a great St. Patrick's Day-enjoy:@)

  12. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great St. Patrick's Day. I've brought Beef & onions braised in beer to the party.

  13. Today I am sharing my Chicken Tortilla Soup in the Slow Cooker. Thanks for hosting and enjoy the weekend :)

  14. Thanks for the yummy weekly linky! I shared my Green Cornbread. Easy Peasy to make and it is by far my kids fav food on St Patty's Day. They also love corned beef and cabbage and request it every year. This year they invited a friend over who has never had it! So I guess we are really going to celebrate on the 17th. xoxo susieQTpies

    1. Don't forget barley. Soak the barley overnight. Stew is delicious with Barley & Dumplings 😋 Enjoy

  15. Thanks for the yummy party Miz Helen! We shared a couple sweet items :)

    Not Your Average Super Moms!

  16. Thanks for hosting another great party Miz Helen. Enjoy the rest of your week, and Happy early St Patty's day! :)

  17. Good Morning, Miz Helen! Thanks for having us over! :)

    Joy @ Yesterfood

  18. Hi Miz. Helen thank you for the party. andi

  19. Whoops I wasn't paying close enough attention and linked up my DIY Chevron Monogram. Please feel free to delete it.

  20. Hi Miz Helen~ Always a fun party:) Happy St. Patrick's Day! Lynn

  21. Thanks for hosting a great party. Lots of delicious recipes to try.

    Joanne/Winelady Cooks

  22. Thanks for featuring my Parmesan Roasted Broccoli! Have a great week and thanks for hosting, Miz Helen!

  23. Hi Ms Helen--I just love Full-Plate Thursdays. What a great place to look for new ideas every week! Such inspiration! This week I contributed Balsamic Shiitake Mushrooms with Leeks. These are great on rice, meat or as a side dish. Thanks for hosting again!

  24. Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend :)

  25. Good morning, Miz Helen,
    I've linked a Tomato Tart today! Thank you for hosting!

  26. Miz Helen,
    Thank you so much for featuring my Pistachio Cake. It really is so yummy!
    Thank you for hosting too! Have a beautiful spring weekend, I know I'm ready.
    Hope to see you at Tuesday Trivia.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

  27. Thanks so much for featuring our Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes with Irish Cream Frosting!! We are so glad you liked them as much as we did!


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Miz Helen