Full Plate Thursday 11-6-14

Full Plate Thursday Where The Greatest Cooks On The Planet Gather

Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, and Happy November! This month always puts us in a frame of gratitude and thanksgiving for all the blessings that we are given. Certainly all of you are on my November Gratitude List, for your fabulous food, your willingness to share it and your friendship. I am always so excited to have you come to our table at Full Plate Thursday. I am looking forward to your creative culinary dishes this week and can't wait to get started. We are kicking the party off with this Cornbread Dressing Casserole, a great casserole for all the left over turkey or chicken and one of our family favorites.

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Morning Snack
Afternoon Snack
This Is How You Filled Your Favorite Plate Last Week
Most Viewed

If Your Recipe Is Featured Today Please Take The Red Plate Home
The Code Is On The Side Bar

Background Story For Full Plate Thursday
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
 If You Are Here For The First Time Please Take The Time To Read
The Party Guidelines at This Link

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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. I have much to be grateful for today, Miz Helen! My youngest son and DIL had a baby girl!!
    Thank you so much for hosting...I appreciate YOU!

  2. Thanks for the party Miz Helen~ Always a pleasure to visit you :) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  3. Thanks so much for hosting. I hope you like the Pear Tart. When I stumble upon something good I love when someone else like it also. So easy.


  4. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen!

  5. Hello sweet lady! Thank you for hosting such a fantastic party. I love stopping by each week.
    Happy Wednesday! Lou Lou Girls

  6. Thanks so much, Miz Helen, for giving us a place to share! ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

  7. Thanks so much for another great party, Miz Helen! Have a wonderful week! :)

  8. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! So glad to be able to join you again this week. I am sharing my roaster pumpkin seeds. I made them both Italian style and Cinnamon sugar-- they were super yummy! :-) Hope you can come back and share with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday" next week. Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! Have a lovely week. :)

  10. Hi, Helen...I've discovered I can link with Linky Tools but can't use a thumbnail..STRANGE.
    ANYway, thanks so much for hosting.

  11. Thank you for the feature and the party, Miz Helen :-)

  12. Thank you for featuring my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Biscotti
    Glad you like them Miz Helen
    Have a terrific weekend and thank you for hosting another great party

  13. Good Morning Miz Helen, Another wonderful party and how delicious are Winnie's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Biscotti.
    I am now going to visit a few friends.
    Best Wishes

  14. Cajun Meatloaf with cheesy potatoes sounds pretty good to me too! Have a great week:@)

  15. Good morning Miz Helen. Today I am sharing my Mocha Pumpkin Seeds with you. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful Thursday!

  16. Good morning, Miz Helen. I have wanted to make cornbread stuffing for the longest time and now I have you recipe! I'll be going to the US to celebrate Thanksgiving with my American cousins so I will definitely be making it - can't wait.
    I have a chili recipe for you today and I so wish I could have come up with it in time to enter your contest but watch out next year! Thanks so much for hosting. Love your parties!

  17. Hello Miz Helen, I hope you are having a good week! There are some wonderful recipes shared here today. I'm adding my Crock Pot Apple and Pear Sauce, perfect for using up a surfeit of apples and pears! Thank you so much for hosting.

  18. Thanks for the always delicious party Miz Helen! I am so excited that you choose my comfort bowls for Full Plate Thursday! I'm off to look at all the mouthwatering dishes~

  19. Thank you as always for the fun party, Miz Helen! Have a great rest of your week.

  20. Hello Lovely hostess, I finally got a post, but still can't upload pic's to post, I copy/paste the pic's are crap though. Still don't know why?...anywho!....I will not be defeated. Hope all is well. Have a fun filled weekend.
    Jo May....still having troubles with blogger....BOOOOOOO

  21. Hi Miz Helen! Thanks for hosting this lovely party and for featuring my Duo of Chestnut & Parsnip Puree! Have a nice day :)

  22. Thanks so much for the party, Miz Helen. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  23. Oh yum! It is dressing month. I love the looks of that casserole. Thanks for the party. Have a great week!

  24. Good evening, Miz Helen! This week I brought a rib-sticking Cajun pork roast.

    Thank you for the party.

  25. Thank you for the party, Miz Helen! Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Hooray, it’s November!!! Time for a fantastic Fall season, yay!! Thanks for hosting another great party. Keep up the great work.

    Catch Ya’all Later,
    Aubrie B. @ Waking Up Bagtas

  27. Hi Miz Helen -- I'm so thankful for friends and cooks who share their wonderful food and style here -- most especially you, our hostess! Thanks for providing this place for us to share --

  28. Thank you so much for the party Miz Helen! I mistakenly linked up my apple breakfast cake again, you can just remove it, I didn't know how...sorry:( I hope you are having a great week and I can't wait to try some of these yummy comforting recipes everyone is linking up this week!

  29. Love my Red Plate and added to my feature list! Thanks so much Miz Helen!



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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen