Whats For Dinner Next Week 7-30-17

Only two days left in July and then it is on to August. Here in Texas August means lots of hot days, sitting on the porch sipping ice cold sweet tea and fanning. When making the meal plan this week I am trying to keep the kitchen as cool as possible and just enjoy the lazy days of summer.

Whats For Dinner Next Week at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

This Weeks Meal Plan


Meatless Monday

Left Over
Lemon Ice Box Pudding Cake


Tossed Green Salad


Left Over
Apricot Pie



Fresh Fruit and Melon

Left Over

Weekend Brunch

Hope you are taking the time to make meal planning a part of your week, it sure saves time and money. Thanks so much for stopping by to spend some time with us and hope you have a great week. Stay cool and enjoy the lazy days of summer.
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen

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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenna, I just love the combination of that Pineapple Burger! Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by!
      Miz Helen

  2. It all looks so good, but those jalepeno scones look amazing - had to pin that one! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner link up!

  3. Apricot pie - yum! And that pineapple burger sounds delicious, too. Have a great week and stay cool.

  4. Oh I love Nicoise Salad the salsa looks delicious as well. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us at #overthemoon, Miz Helen and have a lovely day.


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Miz Helen