Whats For Dinner Next Week 2-3-19
If you live where the temperatures have been below 0 then I really hope that you are a meal planner and that you are your family are safe and warm with great meals during this cold weather. This is Super Bowl Weekend, and although none of our teams will be playing, we are still planning on having a fun game day here at the cottage! This is one of those times when checking the weather and making the meal plan really helps. It is very cold here but not nearly like what some of you are having. I am going to check my inventory for the cold bins in the barn and the pantry and then see what the meal plan will look like, I sure don't want to have to go to the market in this weather. Lets just sit together and have a cup of this delicious cocoa and make the meal plan.

Left Over
Home Cooking Memories
3 Boys and A Dog
Girl Scout Cookies From Our
Great Granddaughter Ella
Blue Bell Ice Cream
Weekend Brunch
I sure hope that you have a great Super Bowl Weekend and that your favorite team wins. Stay warm and safe this week and come back to see us real soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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I never turn down enchiladas, such a great go to casserole that you can adapt to just about anything! Have a delicious week Miz Helen!