Full Plate Thursday,447

Full Plate Thursday, 447 at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Welcome to each and everyone of you today. Oh my goodness we have had family visiting this week, getting our last minute visits in before all the kids go back to college and some of our New York family goes back to school after labor day. We are so grateful that we all got to see each for summer visits. I have tried to stop by your blogs in the past two weeks, but I may not have always been able to leave a comment, please forgive me, sometimes there is just not enough time in the day! Thanks so much for sharing with us today, I can't wait to see what you are bringing. This is the week for our TOP TEN FEATURES from last weeks party that you have picked from your pageviews and you did a great job! There are some wonderful features that I sure hope you will stop by to see and say hello to these talented bloggers!

Wishing You A Safe and Entertaining Labor Day Weekend!

The Painted Apron

Mama Of Many Blessings

Petals, Pies and Otherwise

Poinsetta Drive

Healthy Helper

The Fresh Cooky

Back To My Southern Roots

Delightful E Made

Southern Home Express

Mommy Evolution

Every Week I Cook Some Of Your Recipes 
They Are Featured On My Weekly Meal Plan

Background Story For Full Plate Thursday

When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the week. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".

If You Are Here For The First Time 
Take The Time To Read
The Party Guidelines at This Link

Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. We have family flying in the this morning for a week long visit and we're so excited! Since my sister and I both homeschool we get to travel in the "off" season and it's a lot of fun to be out and about when everyone else is back in school.

  2. You've had a busy summer, miz Helen! I forgot to mention in your last post, how adorable both Lauren and Ella are. Thank you for so many wonderful features and for hosting even with all that you've had going on. We appreciate you!

  3. So many wonderful recipes. Sometimes I want to try them all. Thanks for hosting this wonderful weekly party!

  4. Thank you Miz Helen! Sounds like you are having a lot of family fun! I'm looking forward to a large family gathering this weekend! I'm thrilled everyone liked my Tex-Mex spread, thank you!
    Have a wonderful Labor Day!

  5. I'm so happy you got to have some good visits with family, Miz Helen! Thank you for hosting the party. The features sure do look delicious. I'm at number 24 today with a delicious fall quick bread. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  6. Glad you're having such a wonderful time with your family, Miz Helen. Thank you for taking the time to host this wonderful party!

  7. Happy Thursday Miz Helen, indeed some very talented bloggers on this link party! Thank you for featuring my Barbacoa Street Tacos (the meat alone is amazingly flavored and easy!). I'm always so impressed that you go on everyone's blogs and write a little something, grace is freely given, you do go above and beyond! And honestly family is so important!

  8. Thank you for the inspiring ideas and recipes - GREAT party as always. Have a WONDERFUL week.

  9. Hi Miz Helen! Thank you so much for the feature! All of the recipes look delish!

  10. Thank you so much for hosting, Miz Helen. Apologies for my very late comment. I hope you are having an amazing week!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen