
Showing posts from May, 2024

Full Plate Thursday, 696

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 696 and our Top Ten Features edition. On the last party of the month we feature your top ten views from last weeks party! You sure picked some great post for this weeks Top Ten, I hope you enjoy them.  I hope that all of you had a safe Memorial Day with lots of good food and fellowship. Thanks so much for coming to the party today, we always look forward to your visits!

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-25-24

Hello everyone, I am posting the meal plan early this week in hopes that it will help you with your meal plan for the Memorial Day Weekend. We have got a great meal plan for our remembrance day picnic here at the cottage. I am so grateful to be a meal planner so that I don't have to run around at the last minute trying to figure out what to feed the folks. Our stores are so crowded on the holiday weekends that often times the shelves will be empty if you don't get there early. I have already done my shopping and have even completed some meal prep, we are all ready to enjoy our friends and family along with some great food!

Full Plate Thursday, 695

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday 695, come on in and find a place at the table. We are having our party on the main patio today so find your place at the table, we are saving you a seat! We have some great features for you to enjoy today from last weeks party. We are celebrating Memorial Day here at the cottage this coming weekend. We often times have a time of remembrance for all of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy here in our country. I really appreciate you coming to the party today. Please have a safe Memorial Day weekend with great food and fellowship!

Memorial Day Bar-B Que Recipes

Memorial Day is a great day of remembrance here in our lake community. There are many festivities to mark the day, with personal picnics and community food fest. Through the years we have had cook-outs and picnics here at the cottage. These are some of the Bar-B-Que Recipes that we enjoy when we have a Memorial Day remembrance picnic. 

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-19-24

  Hello  everyone, I sure hope you are having a fantastic weekend. I have been working on the meal plan for this week and had a draft. Somehow the draft was lost in all the lighting storms we had. So this week is a little late, but I am determine to post this meal plan today! We are so grateful for all the spring rains that have filled our lake and rivers, and equally so we are so grateful to have a few days of sunshine to dry us out just a bit. I have already started my meal plan for today and it is going to be delicious! 

Full Plate Thursday, 694

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 694. I am so happy to welcome you to the party today. Please join me on the garden patio, we can enjoy our party and look at the beautiful wild flower garden and enjoy some fresh vegetables. We have some very talented bloggers that are a part of our blogging community here and I am always so happy to feature their post every week. Be sure and stop by their blogs to check out their great post! Thanks so much for coming to the party today, your visits are always so special to me and others!

Chicken With Broccoli and Rice Casserole

This Chicken With Broccoli and Rice Casserole recipe is a little unusual. Through the years I have learned to save and repurpose every morsel of food that could be saved or used in some way. This casserole is made up with mostly left overs and you would never know that it wasn't made fresh today. In today's economy the food prices are very high and still climbing. I try and help young families with growing their own vegetables, planning the meals and economizing wherever possible. This is a recipe that I made for a study group for young homemakers.

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-12-24

Hello everyone, glad to see you here on the Mothers Day weekend. I have been so blessed to be able to hear from so many of my  friends and family already. My daughter is planning a lovely luncheon for me and her Mother-In Law, it will be so nice. My husband has finished his project of restoring our flagstone patio and it is beautiful, we just love that area of our property. I am checking the weather and reviewing my freezer and pantry inventories. I am about to make some meal plan decisions with some great spring recipes.

Full Plate Thursday, 693

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 693! I am so excited to see all of you on this upcoming Mothers Day Weekend. We are planning a great party for you today and surely hope that you will love all the features from last weeks party. I always look forward to all the wonderful post that you will be sharing at the party today. Thanks so much for coming to the party, you are a very important part of our blogging community!

Lemon Surprise Cake

  Lemon Surprise Cake is a very easy recipe to make. This is a lemon lovers dream dessert. The cake has a great lemon surprise on the inside and is topped with a creamy marshmallow topping. This is one of those recipes that can be served for a special occasion or a weeknight family meal. 

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-5-24

  Hello everyone and a big welcome to May! Meal planning is going to be so much fun this month. We get to plan for Cinco de Mayo which is this weekend, Mothers Day which is next weekend, and then Memorial Day at the end of the month. We are pretty excited here at the cottage, we actually have plants growing in our garden and soon will have more. There is nothing like those wonderful garden to table recipes that we all enjoy.

Full Plate Thursday, 692

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 692 and open the door to May. I love the month of May with some very special holidays in May. We had a great party last week to close the month out. Some of those post are featured here today and I sure hope you enjoy them. Come in and make yourself at home, I can't wait to see what you will be sharing with us today. Thanks so much for coming to the party today, I always look forward to seeing you here.

May Food and Recipe Basket: 2024

  May is such busy month with spring in full swing, wild flowers blooming, garden vegetables being harvested and planted. We have a special basket full of fun celebrations where we will find some really great fresh food. The seasonal foods that we will be talking about this month are currently  harvested in our area. Most of the products can be found in Farmers Markets across the area. Our recipes have been handed down though the generations of my family and are linked on this blog.