Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-19-24


Hello  everyone, I sure hope you are having a fantastic weekend. I have been working on the meal plan for this week and had a draft. Somehow the draft was lost in all the lighting storms we had. So this week is a little late, but I am determine to post this meal plan today! We are so grateful for all the spring rains that have filled our lake and rivers, and equally so we are so grateful to have a few days of sunshine to dry us out just a bit. I have already started my meal plan for today and it is going to be delicious! 

Garlic Toast

Left Over Coca-Cola Sheet Cake 
With Coca-Cola Frosting
Fresh Tossed Green Salad

Left Over
Fresh Strawberry Pie
Left Over
Desserts From The Week!
Thanks so much for stopping by the cottage today to share our meal plan for the week. I sure hope that you have wonderful meal plans at your cottage this week and that maybe we inspired you in someway to have a fantastic week! We hope to see you back here real soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Everything looks delicious Miz Helen, especially your Fresh Strawberry Pie!

  2. Everything looks so yummy! Great inspiration for meal planning this week! Thank you, Mix Helen!

  3. My favorite post of the week!! Thanks for sharing every week at the What's for Dinner party. I appreciate it.


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Miz Helen