Whats For Dinner Next Week, 8-25-24

Hello everyone, my goodness we are going into the last week of August and it is hot! We have been having record breaking temperatures that have put me indoors with the cooler air. At this point with meal plans I think what in the world, just give me something cold, right? I am looking at some of my recipes and we will see what makes it to the line up this week. We also have Labor Day Weekend coming up next weekend. We have already made plans for the weekend, we will see if the temperatures allow us to go forward.

From The Freezer
Left Over
Berry Ice Cream
Green Tossed Salad

Cooking With Carlee
3 Winks Design
Kitty's Kozy Kitchen

Left Over
Frozen Fruit Salad Pie
Labor Day Picnic!
To review our menu for the week, it looks like we will be enjoying some really cool foods that will keep us out of a hot kitchen. I am excited to have a easy cooking week and I hope you get an easy week as well.

Wishing you and yours a great Labor Day Weekend. Stay safe and come back to see us really soon! 
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Wonderful food to keep you cool this week Miz Helen! I hope you get to have your Labor Day Picnic~
    Jenna from the Painted Apron

  2. These meals look absolutely delicious! I am definitely going to try out the creamy chicken enchiladas. Thank you for sharing!


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Miz Helen