Whats For Dinner Next Week, 8-4-24

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 8-4-24 at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Hello everyone and welcome August! We have about 2 weeks vacation time before our schools start here, how about you when do your school's start. Family meal plans often time have to change when school starts to accommodate the schedules of the school children. We are having unseasonable lower temperatures for August and this makes meal planning a lot more fun! This means we will doing some outdoor cooking and spending more time outdoors with our meals this week.

Left Over
Sour Cream Pie With Cherries & Whipped Cream

Baked Tortilla's
Fresh Garden Salad
Fresh Garden Greens
Fresh Sliced Garden Tomatoes
Left Over
Old Fashioned Peach Crisp

Gone Fishing
Catch Of The Day

Weekend Brunch
I hope that you will find a great meal plan or a new recipe that you would like to try for your family and friends. It is my joy to share our meal plans with you each week as I have for the past 14 years. Thanks so much for stopping by the cottage to visit with us today and come back to see us real soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Your chicken casserole looks so good, I love casseroles like that! Have a great week Miz Helen~
    Jenna from the Painted Apron

  2. You are right cooking dinner changes a bit for us when the school year starts. Schools are starting up soon in SoCal as well. The district I work for teachers & para-educators(aids) arrive 8/15 and the students' first day is 8/20. I miss starting up in September.

  3. You are right cooking dinner changes a bit for us when the school year starts. Schools are starting up soon in SoCal as well. The district I work for teachers & para-educators(aids) arrive 8/15 and the students' first day is 8/20. I miss starting up in September.


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Miz Helen