
Showing posts from September, 2024

Whats For Dinner Next Week 9-15-24

Hello everyone, it is sure great to see you here today. We are able to really enjoy our gardens right now. We don't have a big harvest of vegetable's but our herbs are really doing well right now. All the high schools here are gearing up for Friday night football, fall is definitely in the air! I love fall foods as we lean a little more into comfort foods that I sometimes call Grandma foods. I am looking at some great recipes for the upcoming week.

Full Plate Thursday, 711

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 711! I am so happy to see you here today on this beautiful fall day. The official fall date is September 22, 2024  and I think we have a really good start here. We had a great party last week with wonderful post that are featured this week. I hope that you enjoy all the features, be sure and stop by these talented bloggers site and say hello.  Thanks so much for coming to the party today, I can't wait to see what you are sharing!

Taco Tuesday Casserole

We love our Tex-Mex here at the cottage. Our Taco Tuesday Casserole is a giant taco in one pan. Baked to perfection with cheese, onion and crisp tortilla chips. We topped this one with some fresh avocado chunks and then of course our home canned salsa. This casserole goes together real fast and is on the table for a hungry family. 

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 9-8-24

  Hello everyone, I am so excited to see you today and make a delicious meal plan for us. I love it that our weather is so much cooler this week, we have sure enjoyed some nice rain and just being able to relax a bit after the August heat. I have some great recipes that I am looking at, I will be interested in which one my husband chooses from the group this week. Sometimes he surprises me with his picks. Now  that school is started I know that some of you want some meals that will make it easier to put dinner on the table, after a long school day.

Full Plate Thursday, 710

  Welcome to Full Plate Thursday, 710! September is here and it has brought some great weather with it. Please join us in the great outdoors today, we are going to enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. We have some awesome features from last weeks party that I hope you will enjoy. We have saved you a seat at the table and I can't wait to see what you are bringing to share with us today. Thanks so much for coming we always love having you here!

September Food and Recipe Basket, 2024

Welcome to September with some of the garden harvest winding down for this season.  We have several traditional end of season recipes that we will be sharing with you. Some of the produce that we enjoyed in early June and July has given in to the heat and now we are have only the hardy producers to harvest. We are so blessed to live in an area that has some of the best farmers markets that keep us supplied with most garden vegetables the year round.